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Change The Narrative For Merchants


Traders Turned Processors

The Short Version

From trading desks to forward facing. 

Helping merchants increase profitability.

This is our thing.

In a world where merchant processing can be complicated and costly, three lifelong friends came together with a common goal: to help merchants process better.


Covrus was founded by these dedicated agents who pooled over 40 years of institutional grade trading experience to provide merchants with the support they need to navigate processing, fees, and contracts.

Our mission is clear - to do merchant processing better for businesses of all sizes and volumes


Directing Partners

How It Thrives

At the heart of the Covrus mission is a deep-seated commitment to prioritizing the needs and aspirations of merchants. This guiding ethos is manifested in the firm's unwavering dedication to offering bespoke support, tailored to the individual requirements and challenges faced by each business. Central to this personalized approach is the provision of dedicated agents, professionals who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, standing ready to assist merchants at every turn.

The Covrus foundation of exceptional service model is built upon the belief that no two businesses are the same and, as such, should not be subjected to a one-size-fits-all solution. This conviction drives the team to delve deep into understanding the specificities of each merchant's operations, goals, and pain points. Through this meticulous analysis, Covrus agents are able to craft strategies and solutions that are not only bespoke but also dynamically aligned with the evolving needs of each merchant they serve.

Beyond the initial setup and optimization of processing systems, the relationship between Covrus and its merchants is characterized by ongoing support and engagement. The dedicated agents remain actively involved, offering guidance, answering queries, and providing insights that help businesses navigate the complexities of merchant processing with confidence and ease. This level of attentiveness ensures that merchants are not left to fend for themselves but have a knowledgeable and reliable partner by their side, ready to address challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

In embracing this philosophy of personalized support, Covrus sets itself apart in the merchant processing landscape. The company's commitment to putting merchants first is more than a mere promise—it is a tangible practice that is evident in every interaction and strategy developed. Through this approach, Covrus not only aids merchants in overcoming the immediate hurdles of processing and fees but also empowers them to achieve long-term success and sustainability in their endeavors.

By Putting Business Owners First


Taking Back The Bottom Line

How We Help

In today's competitive market, merchants are constantly looking for ways to cut costs and maximize profits. However, many payment processing companies add unnecessary fees and markups, eating into the bottom line of businesses. At Covrus, we prioritize merchants and aim to eliminate these unnecessary costs to help them succeed. With upfront agreements and no markups, we are committed to providing transparent and cost-effective solutions for our clients.

At the heart of Covrus is the steadfast commitment to prioritizing the needs and success of merchants. This merchant-first mindset is not merely a slogan but a principle that guides every decision and enrollment. It is understood that for a business to flourish, it must be unburdened by excessive costs and complexities associated with payment processing.

Insert the Edge Program: Tailored specifically to drastically diminish the financial burdens tied to transaction costs that businesses often face. By integrating state-of-the-art technology, dual pricing models compliant in all 50 states, this pioneering program succeeds in driving effective rates for merchants toward the enviable realm of near zero. Such an aggressive reduction in costs does not merely represent a marginal saving; it signifies a transformative shift in how transaction expenses are perceived and managed within the retail and e-commerce landscapes.

Sideload Interchange: Transparent pricing is a stark contrast to the industry norm of obfuscating true costs with unnecessary markups and hidden fees. Incrementally raising fees or adding pesky charges happen in this industry. By implementing a straightforward model where interchange is priced at cost plus a mere 10 basis points, this approach demystifies the often convoluted world of payment processing fees without the need to add such hidden charges. This pricing framework is emblematic of a larger commitment to empower merchants. It reassures them that their financial well-being is considered with the utmost seriousness, allowing them to dedicate more resources to growth and development rather than navigating a sea of fees.

With A Service First Approach

In the competitive world of processing, many companies prioritize profit over everything else. This often leads to practices such as adding hidden fees, inflating rates, or locking merchants into long-term contracts in order to increase their own bottom line. However, there is a different approach that some companies are taking - a service-first philosophy. By putting the needs of the customer first, these companies believe that success will follow naturally. One such company that has fully embraced this service-first mindset is Covrus.

Covrus has fully committed to a service-first philosophy, fundamentally believing that business flourishes best in environments free from contractual obligations. This avant-garde mindset shifts the conventional paradigm from profit-centric tactics to prioritizing the well-being and success of merchants. This distinctive approach allows Covrus to stand apart in a crowded marketplace, aligning its objectives with the growth and success of its partners.


The essence of embracing a service-first philosophy lies in the acknowledgment that genuine success is a byproduct of mutual respect, trust, and the unwavering commitment to meet and exceed the expectations of merchants. 

In Our Own Words

From the very inception of Covrus, I have been fully immersed in marketing. While my true passion lies in the creative aspects of the field, I fully recognize the crucial role that data plays in driving a business forward. Being both a dedicated father and business owner, I am constantly working to build a lasting legacy for my children. As an introvert by nature, I appreciate the freedom to work remotely and spend quality time with loved ones. While I hold the title of marketing director, I am involved with enrollment and implementation to assist the team and service clients.


Aaron Johnson

Marketing Director

When we started Covrus, I was naturally pegged for integrations. My engineering background lent itself well to the task of utilizing programming and automation to solve the pinch points of onbaording. As a hybrid introvert flanked by exceptional colleagues, I am fortunate to participate in brainstorming sessions to develop efficient solutions for our clients and internal processes. Family means everything to me. Immediate, extended or inherrited, I see them the same, valuable contributors to my life. I appreciate the responsibility to service our clients in a space vital to the success of their business. A duty I take very seriously. 

Xavier Phillips

Integrations Director

I understood that businesses required dependable connections they could rely on for handling their processing, which made communications the field I would oversee.  From a young age I was involved in the horse world, competing professionally all across the country. Team roping was my chosen event in rodeos and good team skills are essential to being competitive. This brings a valuable dimension to the team dynamic that helps us engage with the people we need to reach. I am known to capture and consider every relevant detail and my guys know they can count on me to fill in all the blanks.                                                     

Brye Sayer

Communications Director

I have been on this team since it was an idea we kicked around as an add on to the trade arm. We have been working towards this concept for nearly a decade, and being the only extrovert at the table, I bring a level of balance to help bring ideas to life. A mother to twin boys - my life is my children and I find myself buried in non fiction whenever possible. I love my family and I love being part of something bigger than myself. I love helping our clients get their rates right and then watching them grow. That is the greatest pleasure of my role.

Patricia Holly

Client Success Director


Client Success

Ensuring clients have support at every step



Engineering pathways of conversions



Building the bonds that create lasting relationships



Moving the message around in digital spaces

The Story
Behind Covrus

Covrus distinguishes itself in the marketplace by adopting a merchant-centric approach, ensuring that the voices of business owners are not only heard but are pivotal in shaping the services offered. This philosophy is rooted in a deep understanding that businesses, regardless of their size or industry, face challenges and objectives that are as diverse as the businesses themselves. In an era where many companies may resort to one-size-fits-all solutions, Covrus positions itself as a partner that values the nuances of each merchant’s situation.

The process begins with an active listening strategy, where processing professionals dedicate themselves to fully comprehend the merchant's current challenges, future aspirations, and the obstacles they face in achieving their goals. This approach is not about making assumptions or offering quick fixes; it is about diving deep into the unique ecosystem of each business to understand what makes it tick.


Whether it’s navigating through complex market dynamics, understanding customer behaviors, or leveraging technology for efficiency gains, the Covrus team is committed to understanding these intricate details.

How It All Started

It all began amidst the frenetic energy of trade desk where split-second decisions could mean the difference between monumental gains and significant losses. Here, in this high-stakes environment, the trio excelled, leveraging their combined expertise to navigate the complexities of the financial world. Their careers were marked by a deep immersion in the dynamics of institutional trading, an experience that would later serve as the bedrock for their entrepreneurial venture.


Transitioning from the world of finance to merchant services was sparked by a collective realization: the skills and knowledge they had honed in trading could address a critical gap in the merchant processing sector. They observed that many merchants were at a disadvantage, struggling to understand and negotiate the terms of processing agreements, often resulting in inflated fees and suboptimal contracts. The founders saw this as an opportunity to apply their financial acumen towards creating tangible solutions for businesses grappling with these issues.

This pivot from finance professionals to merchant advocates was driven by a desire to demystify the process for business owners. The founders understood that the principles of market analysis, risk assessment, and strategic negotiation were not confined to trading but were equally applicable in helping merchants secure better processing terms. They envisioned a service that could not only educate merchants about their processing options but also actively intervene to secure more favorable terms on their behalf.

In forming Covrus, the founders transitioned their focus from the abstract world of trading to the tangible realm of merchant services, bringing with them a unique set of skills perfectly suited to the challenges faced by modern businesses. This shift was not just a change in profession but a redefinition of purpose: to use their deep market knowledge to make a meaningful impact in the lives of merchants, providing them with the insights and support needed to thrive in an increasingly complex financial landscape.

Behind The Scenes

The Covrus co-founders candidly speaking

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