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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a stringent regulation introduced by the European Union (EU) to protect the privacy and personal data of EU citizens. Implemented in 2018, this landmark regulation has significant implications for all businesses – regardless of their location – that handle data from EU residents.

Key Elements of GDPR
Complying with the GDPR involves understanding its fundamental principles:

  • Data Consent: The users must grant you their explicit permission to gather and use their data.

  • Data Purpose: You are only permitted to use the data for the intended purpose.

  • Data Minimization: You should only collect the necessary data needed to fulfill the stated purpose.

  • Data Security: You are responsible for protecting users’ data from unauthorized access.


As a GDPR-compliant website, we are committed to safeguarding your information and respecting your privacy rights. Registering on our platform, purchasing our products, or utilizing our services, signifies your agreement to allow us to process your data in accordance with GDPR principles. 

Principle How We Comply

  • Data Consent: We request clear consent before collecting any data.

  • Data Purpose: We specify the purpose of data collection at the point of gathering the data.

  • Data Minimization: We only collect necessary data that aligns with the specified purpose.

  • Data Security: We utilize top-notch security measures to protect your data from unauthorized access.


GDPR grants you several rights concerning your data, including: 

  1. The right to access your data anytime.

  2. The right to correct or update your data, if inaccurate.

  3. The right to erase your data (‘right to be forgotten’).

  4. The right to limit or oppose data processing.

  5. The right to data portability to move your data from one provider to another.

Please contact us if you’d like to exercise any of these rights.

We’re happy to help!

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